Reading Journal #4

Not the Same or Different: A Better Way to Look at LGBT-headed Families” by Melinda Blau

This article discusses what differences,if any, there are between a LGBT family and a heterosexual family. It just so happens that I am best friends with one of the wonderful men in the family discussed here,Michael Milano. I enjoyed how Melinda really got both Michael’s & Greg’s personality and their sense of family in her writing. It’s interesting to read how the one discrimination they seem to face more than others, is gender. Why is it that two women walking with their children is more acceptable than two men doing the same thing? She also discusses how a LGBT couple is freer to chose who does what in their daily routine based on personality and preference, rather than gender. This was very interesting to me as I had never thought of it like that. I guess LGBT families do have some differences from a heterosexual family but in all we are all equal and we all have the same foundation to build off of. Overall I feel that Melinda really did my friends and their beautiful family very proud. I know that I am very proud of the great man, husband, and father my longtime friend Michael has become. I hope you all enjoy this article as much as I did, as it is very clse to my heart.

Blau, Melinda. “Not the Same or Different: A Better Way to Look at LGBT-headed Families.”Huffpost Gay Voices., 28 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.

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